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单词 bottom slope 例句大全,用单词bottom slope造句:

A snowy runout at the bottom of the ski slope.
Equip the tank with cleanout doors and slope the bottom toward the doors.
Bottom boundary layer flow and salt injection from the continental shelf to slope
Simple Calculation Method for Rapid Flow Surface in Multiple Bend on Small Bottom Slope
Calculation of typical unconfined aquifer seepage to a shallow lake with gentle slope bottom
It consists of open pit in the ground state, the bottom of the slope around the state and composition.
它由露天采场的地表境界, 底部境界和周围边坡组成。
Model Test on Cushion Pool with Lining Slope but No Bottom Protection in Nuozhadu Hydraulic Power Station
Sediments on outer shelf, slope and Okinawa western trough bottom are derived mainly fromChangjiang River.
Before I talk about that, I've written down at the bottom there the slope of this curve, this straight line.
谈到这之前 我在底下标出了 这条曲线的斜率 即这条直线
Approach to a Method of Planting Trees with Smaller Mouth but Bigger Bottom Pits or Holes on Arid Slope Lands
The site type of the better water content is mainly in the bottom of slope and the vegetation is easier to restore.
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