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单词 because of 例句大全,用单词because of造句:

Amorphous was formed in the coating because of high cooling rate of spraying particles.
This world because of sincerity but amiability, because of having a love just complete.
这个世界因真诚而可爱, 因为有爱才完整。
Because of a wavelength of laser is only absorbed by the corresponding colors of pigment.
When will the Council admit that all its efforts have failed because of the lack of unity?
安理会何时才能承认, 由于缺乏统一, 它的所有努力都落空了?
Our armies have retreated from the position they'd just won because of lack of ammunition.
由于缺乏弹药, 我们部队已从刚占领得阵地撤离。
Because of the alienation of man from nature, the scene in the waterland is nearly nothing.
由于人与自然关系得异化, 洼地上得景象几乎接近于无。
An old man suffered hard of hearing because of old age, so his son bought him a hearing aid.
一老汉年高耳背, 儿子便给他买了一个助听器。
The cumulative number of file updates that were aborted because of some nonrecoverable error.
It is undesirable to ignore humanity and cripple humanism because of the abuse of technology.
Well, you see, because of this tip, someone out there is accusing you of killing Mr. Sanchez.
是这样的,依这条线报所言 有人认为是你杀害了桑切斯先生。
Enlargement of the adenoids is common in children because of their developing immune systems.
腺样体肥大在儿童很常见, 因为儿童的免疫系统在发育中。
Although loathe to give up, but not because of the absence of our steps ZhiQing and stagnation.
may be denied access because of the vague fears and prejudices of those who have enough to eat.
正是因为一些有足够 食物的人的不明确的忧虑和偏见。
It is the best choice of adorning house and office room because of its healthy and environmental.
The main staircase and parlour hall were unswept because of the absence of the regular scrubwoman.
因为常雇的扫地婆子走了, 大楼梯和大客厅都还没有打扫。
Disband any agencies of the state which monitor or pursue people because of their political views.
However, the beauty of Teheran and amorous feelings never become angry because of the war however.
With these guardian of the community because of the emissary of love, will be even more beautiful.
Not because of anything else, but because the dream is so beautiful, abandon the sake of not give.
Because of some aircraft production, the existing overproduction of some electronic components sales.
Because of this, autocratic leadership usually leads to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover.
Advanced pianists must play from memory because of the high level of technical skill that is expected.
And the accuracy of the solution can be improved because of the invariability of the individual space.
The musicologists today continue to cite and adopt the result of this work because of its significance.
致使今日学者的研究, 仍不断引证或采用这些历史资料。
Abstract The monosodium glutamate wastewater is difficult to treat because of high concentration of COD.
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