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单词 at all hours 例句大全,用单词at all hours造句:

at all hours of the day and night
They disturb me at all hours of the day and night.
I tried all kinds of diets, I spent hours at the gym.
我试过各种节食方法, 花了很多时间健身。
Winston had dropped his habit of drinking gin at all hours.
Count your days by golden hours, don't remember clouds at all.
I had many melancholy hours at Bath after all the company was gone.
I had many melancholy hours at bath after all the company was gone.
那群人全离开后, 我在巴斯过了许多愁闷的时光。
The partisans disturbed the enemy at all hours of the day and night.
All passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time.
I object to him having the radio on at full blast till all hours of the night.
There were times when he would ring his bell at all hours of the day or night.
In acute gastritis all food and water should be withheld for at least 24 hours.
I just didn't have debt collectors calling me at all hours of the day, that's all.
Mike Do you mean all the long hours at work as well as the noise and bustle of the big smoke.
If you're missing money, I'd ask one of those strange men you parade through here at all hours.
I always found her company unendurable. She could rattle on for hours about absolutely nothing at all.
我觉得跟她在一起真够受, 她会没话找话唠叨个大半天。
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单词 at all hours 释义

  • 单词释义:在[到]任何时候都没关系  [更多..]



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