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单词 zero value 例句大全,用单词zero value造句:

zero asymptotic mean value
If the function fails, the return value is zero.
如果函数失败, 返回值是零。
A Simple and Easy Range Zero Value Calibration Method
For each field, a zero indicates the absence of a value.
对于每个分量来说, 零表示没有值。
Any number divided by infinity will produce a zero value.
If it is set to a value of zero, no limit will be applied.
Each subscript can vary from zero through its bound value.
If you call it with an interval value of zero, the timer will deactivate.
The limit value must be a whole number that is greater than or equal to zero.
Does it produce a value from zero to one,inclusive or exclusive of the value 1
The capacity can be set to zero or a default value, or it can remain unchanged.
容量可设置为零或默认值, 也可以保持不变。
The value of this constant is the result of dividing a negative number by zero.
The return value zero only if the position is currently at the end of the stream.
仅当位置当前位于流的末尾时, 返回值才为零。
As the winding insulation has aged, the value is close to zero. Please rewind the motor.
The carrying value of investments for bonds and notes is zero, as disclosed in schedule8.
The value of the first counter is set to zero each time that a content tick is recovered.
Make sure the value of the denominator is not zero before performing a division operation.
在执行除法运算之前, 确保分母的值不为零。
When seconds or fractions are not specified, the default value of zero will be used instead.
在未指定秒或秒的小数部分时, 将使用默认值零。
When the product of value and weight is positive, it contributes to pushing the sum above zero.
The Same Value Oscillation of Second Order Linear Equations and the Generalization of the Zero Piont Theorem
On a machine where modulus follows the sign of the numerator then the value of division truncates toward zero.
如果求模的结果随分子的符号, 则除出来的值向零一侧取整
Finally, as you might expect, if the first item appears after the second, the return value is greater than zero.
A net present value of greater than zero indicates that the project has positive net economic benefit to the company.
英文例句大全为您提供zero value英文例句大全,zero value英文造句,关于zero value的英语句子,单词zero value怎么造句,zero value英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于zero value,英语单词zero value的句子,单词zero value如何造句,zero value怎么造句等。

单词 zero value 释义



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