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单词 Summers 例句大全,用单词Summers造句:

The winters here are short and raw, the summers white with glare and fiery hot.
这儿得冬天短促而阴冷, 夏日则是亮得耀眼, 热得发烫。
For the past two summers I have organized a food drive to benefit poor children.
It would be sensible to deliberately choose orchard sites which enjoy dry summers.
And speedy freezing does more than cut down on cranking time on a hot summers day.
In the south the summers are warm with temperatures equaling those of southern Europe.
在南部, 夏日是晴暖的, 温度与南欧一样。
It was tough for him to venture a guess, however, at what might be the summers next craze.
The chairman of the National Economic Council, Larry Summers, was replaced by Gene Sperling.
Lippi overlooks last summers Confederations Cup, in which his team lost to Egypt and Brazil.
Erin could bring heavy rains to a state that already has one of the rainiest summers on record.
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers is expected to be named White House economic advisor.
But there will still definitely be a decrease in rice production as summers become hotter, he said.
In his talk at Washington's Brooking Brookings Institution, Summers spoke of the psychology of fear.
Permafrost is defined as any ground that has stayed below freezing for more that two consecutive summers.
In the white glare of a hot summers noon, the broad avenues of Islamabad, Pakistans modern capital, are usually empty.
夏日炎炎的中午, 宽敞的伊斯兰堡大街往往空无一人。
Jeff would spend summers there with his grandparents, Lawrence Preston (' Pop ') Gise and his wife Mattie Louise Strait.
Lunch the bouillon served in shining metal bowls, as in the remote summers of childhood was one more peaceful and rewarding delight.
In his talk at Washington broking insistitution. Washingtons Brookings Institution, Summers spoke of the phycology psychology of fear.
We stopped in Atlantic City to see what had become of the house where I had spent my college summers, working as a busboy in a restaurant in the next shore town south.

单词 Summers 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 萨默斯取自父名,来源于Summer1,含义是“萨默之子”(son of Summer);[地名] [美国] 萨默斯  [更多..]



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