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单词 suck into 例句大全,用单词suck into造句:

Fans suck waste into the commode.
Squids and cuttlefish suck water into their bodies and then squirt it out.
鱿鱼及墨鱼吸吮水变成他们得尸体, 然后喷射出来。
Blogging and all the associated tasks can get addictive or turn into a time suck.
When mosquitoes feed, they suck the mold element from the cells of plants into their bodies.
Engineers use fans to suck water out of the narrow, 150footlong flume into a lowpressure tank.
Gold Kiwi Colostrum Powder may be mixed directly into prepared foods suck as rice, oatmeal, gravy or soup.
Young woman Lucy is hemophagiaed by him degenerates into the blood suck ghost, meanwhile endangers its friend Mina.
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单词 suck into 释义

  • 单词释义:<英俚>拍…马屁,巴结  [更多..]



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