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单词 variable supply 例句大全,用单词variable supply造句:

We supply clutch plate and cover in variable size.
我们供应离合器片, 并涵盖在可变尺寸。
Supply Chain Coordination for Perishable Product with Variable Lead Time
Supply the array variable at the corresponding place in the argument list.
And these electrodes are then connected to a variable voltage power supply.
Money Demand is an endogenous variable, and Money Supply is an exogenous variable.
货币需求是内生变量, 而货币供给是外生变量。
Influence of the frequency of power supply in well site on variable density logging
Fault Tree Analysis and Ratio of Performance to Price on Variable Frequency Water Supply Equipment
Correction for Formula on Supply and Return Water Temperature in Variable Temperature Control with Varied Flow
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