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单词 Universal suffrage 例句大全,用单词Universal suffrage造句:

The idea is that, from 2017, Hong Kongs chief executive will be elected by universal suffrage.
The creation of electoral systems should guarantee free and fair elections and universal suffrage.
The House of Common is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of 651 Members of Parliament.
下议院由成人普选产生, 由651名议员组成。
Has this incident increased or decreased your confidence in CE's implementation of universal suffrage?
It contravenes the principle of equal suffrage as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
There are all along different views within the community on setting a timetable for universal suffrage.
When the LegCo is to be returned by universal suffrage, the FCs will no longer exist in their current form.
Members of the European Parliament shall be elected by direct universal suffrage in a free and secret ballot.
Mr Tsang said he shared the marchers desire for universal suffrage and expected to see it during his lifetime.
曾荫权表示他和游行人士一样, 希望在有生之年见到普选。
We are still a long way from achieving the ultimate aim of universal suffrage which is enshrined in the Basic Law.
The ultimate aim is the election of both the chief executive and the entire legislature through universal suffrage.
His aim was to encourage the community to explore issues relating to universal suffrage from different perspectives.
Mrs Chan urged the government to persuade Beijing to give a clearer account of its plans concerning universal suffrage
To achieve the ultimate goal of universal suffrage, the first step will be for the Legislative Council to pass our proposals.
我们要迈向普选, 立法会通过政改方案是第一步。
The presidential term of office is 7 years, and the parliamentary term of elected office is 6 years. Suffrage is universal over 18.
总统任期7年, 选举出的国会期限是6年。
Another opinion holds that a transitional phase shall be introduced before the actual implementation of universal suffrage in 2017.
又有意见认为应该要先经过一个过度期, 再系2017年达至普选
A referendum on whether Hong Kong should introduce universal suffrage by2007 would result in a challenge to the central governments authority.
However, some participants considered that the seats returned by functional constituencies should be retained even after the implementation of universal suffrage.
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