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单词 VANS 例句大全,用单词VANS造句:

The vans could be operated singly, or could be coupled together to form a train.
Then the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pour out of vans and from around the corner.
We found two vans with their seals missing and one van badly bruised. Please sign it.
我们发现两只集装箱铅封失落, 一只集装箱严重擦损, 请签字。
In the commercial vehicle sector exports of vans and trucks were both higher this year.
How do you transfer the vans to the ship's side? Do you straddle carriers or forklifts?
Of these, the European commission reckons, cars and vans are responsible for about half.
根据欧盟的计算, 在这其中轿车和运货车的排放大约占一半。
It is displayed on posting boxes and delivery vans and is becoming a familiar sight on the streets of Hong Kong.
这个标志印在邮筒和邮车上, 随处可见。
The vans 72yearold driver was arrested on charges of criminally negligent homicide and driving without a license.

单词 VANS 释义

  • 单词释义:货车( van的名词复数 );”范斯”——Vans在中国的正式注册名,是1966年诞生于美国南加州的原创极限运动潮牌;Value-added Networks 增值网络  [更多..]



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