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单词 usage time 例句大全,用单词usage time造句:

Charge for first time usage
Usage It can be used at any time. Smear it gently on the skin.
用法适合任何时间使用, 轻涂抹于皮肤表面即可。
Usage and dosage 4 pills each time, 3 times daily and suitable before meal.
用法用量口服。一次4粒, 一日3次。宜饭前服。
For further information on prepositions of time, see the note on usage at time.
欲进一步了解时间介词, 参看
Water usage during this time can be four or five times higher than during other parts of the day.
Discounts and usage often expire if the resources are not consumed within a certain amount of time.
如果在某段时间内资源未使用, 折扣和使用都会过期。
At the same time castiron hutch basin hard usage, the surface blows a flower not easily, be infected with not easily smeary, noise is little.
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