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单词 design section 例句大全,用单词design section造句:

Design and Application of Multiple Arch Trestle Type Retaining Wall of Whole Section Construction
Risk Analysis of Design Flood Stage of Nanjing Section of Yangtze River Flood Protecting Embankment
It seems still to be complicated and difficult to design the section size of the compression strut.
Design on Flow Separation and Control in Transition Section of a Large Meridional Expansion Turbine
This paper introduces the Principle, Structure and design of undosed rectangular section punch die.
Design of Modification to the Pearl River Bank in Haiyin Park Section and the Engineering Construction
Selected works throm Decoration Design Section of Industrial Art Department of the Art College of Nanjing
Discussion on pass design of continuous mill for small section steel in Hefei Iron and Steel Group Company
Optimal design of bow jetting apparatus sand removing ejector dredger for Tongguan section of Yellow River.
Optimal Design of the Stiff Skeleton at the Locking Section of the Middle Span of a Continuous Box Beam Bridge
Design and experimental verification of gantry crane girder for flood discharge section of Three Gorges project
Optimal Section Design of Stability for the Circular Hingeless Arch with Fixed Supports under Hydraulic Pressure
In this category, we move into the auditory section of our graphic design learning experience with some selected podcasts.
在这部分, 我们选择了一些图形设计方面的音频文件。
Mistakes in the original design of the pretreating process section of the color coating line caused certain quality defects on the product.
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单词 design section 释义

  • 单词释义:设计断面,设计截面,设计组  [更多..]



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