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单词 Warding 例句大全,用单词Warding造句:

The villagers prayed in hopes of warding off evil spirits.
He affixed spiritual magic figures in his home in hope of warding off disasters.
Magina channels a powerful warding magic damping the negative effects of spells.
It is also a critical time for warding off potentially catastrophic climate change.
要想阻挡气候形态转变可能带来的灾难, 现在也是关键时刻。
This evilsmelling deterrent spray is effective in warding off attacks from savage dogs.
此能发出难闻气味的防狗剂, 对防范恶犬袭击, 十分有效。
Inclined Shaft is Changed Into the First Warding off Car on Down Part Location Ascertaining
Sobriety is one of the Ghost Festival, demons, nature is capable of warding off evil into willow.
Seven annihilate a main jeer voice Shu although stop, have already started to warding that Shi Fa.
七杀门主冷笑声倏然停止, 已经开始对着那骷髅头施法。

单词 Warding 释义

  • 单词释义:监护,守护(ward的现在分词形式)  [更多..]



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