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单词 steel section 例句大全,用单词steel section造句:

Design of inner steel form in transition section of aluminum hydroxide calcinator
An automatic stowing, packing and gathering system designed for section steel bars
Study on the Hot Water Processing for Big Cross Section Parts of Medium Carbon Steel
The first chapter is a concise introduction of Tisco and Section Steel Mill of Tisco.
Finite element analysis of a disc shape pedestrian platform bridge with steel box section
The modernization situation of No.1 cooling bed in Heavy Section Plant of Angang Steel Co.
Analysis of the Stray Current in Rail Transit and the Steel Section in Current Drainage Net
Heavy steel plate and large section of box construction with reliable construction strength.
箱形结构由于是厚钢板构成, 截面积大, 具有可靠的结构强度。
Because great changes axial cross section, stainless steel tube joint is difficult to process.
不锈钢管接头截面积变化大, 成形和脱模困难。
Primary Research of Matching for Continuous Casting Billet Section and Steel Rolling Technique
Balanced reinforcement ratio of normal section of bending SFRC elements reinforced with steel bars
Analysis of Carrying Capacity Experiment for New Type Box Section Combination Profiled Steel Sheet
Splitting rolling technology used in small section continuous mill of Shuicheng Iron and Steel Company
The author studies the calculation of steel in reinforcement conc rete bending member with round section.
Discussion on pass design of continuous mill for small section steel in Hefei Iron and Steel Group Company
This paper presents an automatic stowing, packing and gathering system a section steel tandem rolling line.
Application of flexible foundation with alloy steel wire mesh to strong tidal bore section of Qiantang River
The casting billet hot delivery and hot charging process of Medium Section Mill of Laiwu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
Technique of incremental launching method used for erecting steel box girder curved at small radius with changeable section
This structure integrates the advantage of the concrete structure of section steel and the concrete filled steel tubes structure.
Explosion quake caused steel pipe wined, buttress subsided and ground fissured at 6th pipe section of the Yinghe Hydroelectric Installation.
爆破振动使荥河电站六管段管沟裂缝, 支墩下沉, 钢管弯曲。
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