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单词 state security 例句大全,用单词state security造句:

forestry workers on low incomes, social security is weak, in a state of relative poverty.
They also hold that a State should first resort to the Security Council to argue its case.
The Ministry of Transport of Ukraine has drawn up a State civil aviation security programme.
If possible, always try to preserve the state of the system for a security expert to review.
如果可能的话, 一直保留系统状态以待安全专家检查。
Security for the exam is tight and exam papers are considered state secrets before the tests.
divulge national secrets, endanger national security, and harm honor and interests of the state.
The Difficulty in Raising Social Security Funds for Workers in State Enterprises and Its Solution
In order to address that crisis, my Government has declared a state of emergency on food security.
为解决这些危机, 我国政府宣布粮食保障处于紧急状态。
Moreover, the Committee notes that the State Security Court's decisions are not subject to appeal.
He was arrested on22 March2004, at his home, by members of the State Security Intelligence service.
The organization's leaders were accused of endangering State security and secret dealings with the enemy.
Against this background, I must state once again the vital importance of security assistance to Afghanistan.
在此背景下, 我必须再次申明, 安全援助对阿富汗至关重要。
An Analysis of the State Interest Syncretism of China and Russia, and Prospect of Cooperate in Security Area
The property confiscated by the State security organs shall, in any case, be turned in to the State Treasury.
国家安全机关没收的财物, 一律上缴国库。
Each situation under investigation has been referred to the Court by a State party or by the Security Council.
Crashing a state dinner at the White House apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of nerve.
She was released after her acquittal by the Istanbul State Security Court, based on the insufficiency of evidence.
The State of Qatar supports all appropriate procedures and measures that guarantee international peace and security.
The Ministry of State Security shall conduct the identification of any specialized espionage equipments and devices.
专用间谍器材的确认, 由国家安全部负责。
A refugee cannot be expelled from the territory of the receiving State except for reasons of security and public order.
FSM Key words middleware security security model middleware security architect ure fo rmal met hod finite state machine.
Grand strategy is the collection of political and military means and ends with which a state attempts to achieve security.
Circulars have been issued by the competent security authorities and have been distributed to State border crossing points.
Thought on optimizing the mental state character of the public security college students with the education of the punishment and furstration.
However, asked about the report, the State Department reaffirmed its view that the Hong Kong company's operation of the port facilities 'does not pose a threat to U.S. national security'.
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单词 state security 释义

  • 单词释义:[法] 国家安全,国家治安  [更多..]



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