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单词 sail in 例句大全,用单词sail in造句:

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Under sail, the ship's response spectrums are calculated on the irregular waves in this paper.
As the wind started to increase in intensity, the captain decided it was time to reef the sail.
In the cave is a subterranean river on which one can sail by boat to the extremity of the cave.
Please remember! Sets sail in your life's each time, my blessing can accompany you to together!
A makeshift boat and sail have been flung together and there are soldiers in it trying to paddle.
This way they could sail past the enemy and fire a broadside after broadside in rapid succession.
Some Problems in Simulation Design of Antenna Rotating Pedestal System of Top Sail and Top Steer Radar.
The sail is lost in the boundless sky, where the only thing that one can see is the flowing of the Yangzi river.
孤帆远景碧空尽, 唯见长江天际流。
New Years first day of the sail fishing, fisherman in the bow of the ship setting off firecrackers, burning incense.
Two Cubans who tried to sail to Florida in a converted boat last year are making another attempt, this time piloting an old floating car.
Residue Analysis of Eugenol in Tomato and Soil by HPLC Machine Proccessing of Remotely Sensed Data and Soil Information Systems and Remote Sensing and Sail Survey
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单词 sail in 释义

  • 单词释义:驶进;<非正>傲慢地进入;<非正>兴致勃勃地发话  [更多..]



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