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单词 safety can 例句大全,用单词safety can造句:

A safety check can be carried out on all electrical appliances within the home.
If rate of withdrawal of vapor is excessive, serious safety problems can arise.
如果蒸气提取率过大, 会出现严重的安全问题。
There doesn't seem to be any limit on how crazy child safety regulations can get.
As the leader in charge of safety, he can't escape responsibility for the accident.
作为主管安全的领导, 这次安全事故他罪责难逃。
If punch through occurred, it can heavily affect the drilling ship's working safety.
基础刺穿的发生, 会严重影响钻井船的安全作业。
Improvement of material property or connector with reinforce panel can ensure safety.
Aircraft icing is an important weather phenomenon that can af fe ct the flight safety.
This kind of strip can be used in the food safety inspection to detect coliform bacteria.
The safety catch is in good condition and without deformation and can fully open and close.
安全扣掣状况良好并无变形, 能够完全开合。
They can be turned into specialist cells for assessing the safety and efficacy of new drugs.
Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance.
Ensure that all the safety systems can be carried out in every position of every department.
The jacking antipuking safe protector can ensure the safety and reliability in jacking process.
Safety valve can be covered with the body or pump Zhucheng one, can also be a separate assembly.
安全阀可以与泵体或泵盖铸成一体, 也可以单独装配。
Paul I heard that an FM radio can be used to detect the safety distance of electromagnetic waves.
Wear safety shoes to prevent foot injuries that can be caused by falling objects or sharp metals.
防止足部被掉落物件或尖锐金属等所伤, 应穿安全鞋。
The result of simulation indicates that this method can effectively predict intrinsic safety parameters.
These documents can ensure the safety of the received raw materials and transportation finished product.
In premise of assuring the safety of Daya Bay nuclear power station, the construction speed can be increased.
Greater effort is also required to promote safety technologies that can contribute to the prevention of road crashes.
Motorcycles used to carry passengers in cities can be quite annoying, have bad impact on traffic, and the safety of pedestrians.
Since the handle of the thermos bottle can be fixed, the swing of the thermos bottle can be prevented, and the safety can be guaranteed.
It also compares the standard safe voltage in different situation of different ages. The author hope that the safety voltage can be regulated.
Commodities which can endanger safety or public health and those for which there are special requirements are not eligible for exemption from inspection.
Meanwhile, you can call in policemen from the Bureau of Public Safety to guard the factory, and send a report to the Bureau of Social Affairs about the trouble.
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