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单词 Road Town 例句大全,用单词Road Town造句:

Take the Chester Road out of town.
There are new cameras overlooking the major road arteries in town.
There has been a collision involving a number of cars on the main road into town.
Burr immediately climbed into the drivers seat and continued on the mission of entering the town to reconnoiter road conditions.
Once heard a set people thinking the story of an old cobbler, after entering the town s long road repair shoe already forty years.
她还会在早上6点烤蓝莓馅饼, 也会拔杂草到深夜。
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单词 Road Town 释义

  • 单词释义:罗德城,英属维尔京群岛(The British Virgin Islands)的首府。  [更多..]



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