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单词 set all 例句大全,用单词set all造句:

All the TV Channels are set up in advance.Please read the program list for details.
I set it all aside so I could work hard and earn that paycheck we needed to survive.
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.
When this property is set, all hyperlinks in the column share the same text caption.
The school set all their students some good examples in imitation of the model deeds.
All right, fine. We're all set here, Mr. Anderson, and I'll get the bellman right away.
Success comes in an emerging set of abstract concepts that makes sense of all the detail.
当高清所有抽象概念的细节时, 成功最终就会浮现。
But I never seemed to accomplish all I set out to do. Sometimes Id accomplish none of it.
All these analyses set a concrete foundation for the research and study in later chapters.
He set about raising all army of his own to win back the lands lost in the recent campaign.
To cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic craftsmanship.
Set this flag to attempt to synchronize with all domain controllers in the enterprise forest.
The milestone sends notification messages to set up all of its alert timers and notifications.
This obligation is the foundation of that Agreement and all other provisions set forth therein.
Merchants from Anhui province have set up a trade council for all the Anhui province merchants.
The set of Categories for an aggregate Entry is the union of the Categories on all its components.
The set of frequent closed patterns uniquely determines the complete set of all frequent patterns.
Natasha, too, suddenly set to work with the ardour that was characteristic of her in all she did.
A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top.
After choosing your feature set and letting the installation wizard work its magic, you're all set to go.
在选择了特性集并让安装向导发挥作用之后, 就准备开始了。
For ensure the quality achieved request of both side, specific set of this agreement, and abide it all of us.
With her severe black bob, the steely Soviet dominatrix has already set hearts aflutter all over the internet.
Everything set for the feast day, lanterns, flags, badges, and pigs all the hubbub is great, plus Daddys shoulders to sit on.
All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire, says the LORD Almighty.
To be familiar with all Banquet set up styles, that are used for functions in the Hotel. And be able to set up a function room accordingly.
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