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单词 tool standard 例句大全,用单词tool standard造句:

Standard Specification for Cast Tool Steel
Discussion the standard of alloy tool steels
Standard figure of coarse carbide of high speed tool steel
Standard sub micron grade for solid rotary tool applications.
Processing nonstandard circle cone gear by standard planer tool
Standard online help is a poor tool for providing such beginner assistance.
在向新手提供帮助时, 标准的在线帮助是一个很糟糕的工具。
CNC Grinding of the Rake of Rotary Cutting Tool With the Edge of a Standard Wheel
We shall standard error of estimate as a tool in the same way standard deviation.
同标准差一样, 应该把估计值平均误差当作一个工具。
Mastery of two languages of high standard is the basic prerequisite of the sharp tool to engage in translation.
掌握高度的双语, 就是搞好翻译利器的基本条件。
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单词 tool standard 释义



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