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单词 time stamp 例句大全,用单词time stamp造句:

The time stamp will tell you when the agent ran.
He spent much time and money on stamp collecting.
The original file date and time stamp can be preserved.
So you go on and stamp your form and stop wasting my time.
你盖章吧, 不要浪费了我的时间。
This date and time stamp example makes use of this option.
Can I reprint a stamp certificate after a long period of time?
It takes a long time to build a good stamp collecting, doesn't it ?
建立一个好的邮集要花很多时间, 是? ?
The trouble with stamp collecting is that it is too time consuming.
What's the importance of the date, time number stamp printed on the top of the fax ?
In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and working on my stamp collection.
The applicant must complete and properly stamp this form each time they borrow the artworks.
每次外借艺术品时, 必须由申请人填写此表格及盖章。
The next field is a time stamp that defaults to the time at the moment the entry was recorded.
接下来是时间戳, 默认为记录条目的时间。
And they start writing the kind of date stamp, time stamps for each little bleep that they record.
他们开始写下每个小信号的 日期和时间。
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单词 time stamp 释义

  • 单词释义:印时戳,记时打印机  [更多..]



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