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单词 timber structure 例句大全,用单词timber structure造句:

Repair a building by not taking apart its timber structure.
Study on the Relations Between Crown Structure and Growth of Stem Timber.
From its structure to its facade cladding, the project is composed largely of timber.
从结构到表面, 这个建筑大部分都被木头覆盖。
A continuous horizontal timber forming the lowest member of a framework or supporting structure.
Age class structure regulation and evaluation for secondary timber forests in Wudaohe Forest Farm
Dimensional lumber is an important building material in modern lightweight timber frame structure.
This paper explains the reason for low swelling through analysing the structure of timber and bamboo.
经过对竹木材构造的分析, 解释了竹层积材低湿胀性的原因。
It is the extant oldest and tallest and biggest tower building of timber structure both at home and abroad.
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