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单词 Taliban 例句大全,用单词Taliban造句:

We hear that the sanctions against the Taliban apparently have negative humanitarian effects.
The Taliban are good shots, conceal themselves well and evacuate their casualties efficiently.
He said residents worry the military's attempts to dislodge the Taliban could fail once again.
It was then that someone, maybe Taliban, maybe not, set off the explosives wound in his turban.
然而就在那时, 袭击者引爆了缠在头巾中的炸弹。
He worries that, if the police are not willing assert their authority, the Taliban could return.
I am certain, after14 years of encounters with the Taliban, that they are not beyond redemption.
The Pakistan army official said the military expanded its operation against the Taliban Tuesday.
The government and the armed business networks behind it are no less oppressive than the Taliban.
The pictures could be picked up by the Taliban and used as propaganda against the US and its allies.
From time to time, the school would suddenly be canceled for a week because Taliban were suspicious.
有时,学校会突然停课一周 因为被塔利班怀疑了。
Step one is that the Taliban prey on families that are large, that are poor, that live in rural areas.
首先是 瞄准住在贫瘠土地上的贫穷 大家庭。
The abandoned agreement was negotiated between local authorities and Taliban representatives last year.
The Taliban are, in fact, responsible for the majority of civilian casualties in Afghanistan this year.
Effectively, the Taliban create a complete blackout of any other source of information for these children.
这样, 塔利班完全禁止孩子们接触其他资讯。
Still, he says , there always are ways the government can capitalize on the growing dislike of the Taliban.
It is at least the second occasion on which the Afghans have been duped by people posing as Taliban envoys.
In the portions aired by Jazeera, bin Laden said the Taliban had no knowledge of plans for the 1999 attacks.
In the portions aired by Jazeera, bin Laden said the Taliban had no knowledge of plans for the 2001 attacks.
He deplored the killing of civilians and demanded that the Taliban take immediate steps to control their forces.
LAHORE The military is prepared for housetohouse combat to flush out the Taliban from their urban strongholds in Swat.
More recently, it had been a Taliban stronghold, and its lushly irrigated fields provided fertile ground for opium poppy.
Sgt Baz Shaw of1 Commando Brigade Royal Marines, observes a hole in the roof while searching a known Taliban firing point in Afghanistan.
Inside, two young Taliban in clean long white tunics and small white prayer caps recited the Quran while a fan in the ceiling stirred the hot air.

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