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单词 by lack of 例句大全,用单词by lack of造句:

Anxiety can be caused by lack of sleep.
Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.
He take by storm because of his lack of ambition.
由于他缺乏野心, 他不会大获成功。
Acceleration of tooth decay is caused by lack of care.
I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress.
Abdication is precluded by a lack of a possible successor.
The scarcity also accounts for lack of awareness by buyers.
Marked by a lack of care, accuracy, or organization random.
Abdication is precluded by the lack of a possible successor.
因为没有可能的继承人, 让位无法实现。
These adjectives mean marked by lack of variation or change.
I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism.
Mary was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work.
Minute white spots appear in images caused by lack of ink transfer.
印刷时, 油墨没有转移纸上, 印纹露出白点的情况。
Not been affected by the out of fruit must be gambling, lack of persistence!
This is typically characterised by neuroticism, and lack of extraversion and agreeableness.
So far, however, Chinese companies have been plagued by an actual or perceived lack of quality.
至少一年应修正一次标准成本, 以反映预期的实际成本。
Due to the lack of data, Chen Yizeng and his theories of prose are ignored by the academic circle.
A mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity.
As the anxiety, lack of adequate rest and nutrition, production will be caused by stagnant production.
The suspense was intensified by the lack of a briefing in advance as to what the patients ailment was.
由于事先没有介绍患者的病情, 这更增加了悬念。
But normal sadness can also be accompanied by sleeplessness, lack of concentration and changed appetite.
Instead today, these bastions of luxury are swamped by hordes who have an abundance of money but lack class.
On the Legal System Reason of Lack of Force of Supervision by Public Finance Accounting and Strengthen Innovation
The African Union's efforts to make peace are constrained by a lack of human resources, material supplies and funding.
an anxiety disorder associated with serious traumatic events and characterized by such symptoms as guilt about surviving or reliving the trauma in dreams or numbness and lack of involvement with reality or recurrent thoughts and images
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单词 by lack of 释义



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