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单词 Russians 例句大全,用单词Russians造句:

But the hot new styles at Dior may be a bigger draw for newly wealthy Russians.
Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia.
Most catastrophic of all, the Russians had overrun the Silesian industrial basin.
最最严重的是, 俄军已经占领了西里西亚盆地的工业基地。
Readjustments of Russians Policy toward the CIS and an Analysis of Its Prospects.
For the Russians, what matters is the countries divergent paths in recent decades.
It would be wrong to stereotype, to say that Russians are fatalistic or heartless.
用刻板印象看俄国人, 说他们宿命或没心肝是不对的。
The dictators rehabilitation is a shameful betrayal of ordinary Russians suffering.
Buildings crashed in flames as the Russians fired their artillery at pointblank range.
俄军大炮近距离开火炮轰, 房屋一一倒塌, 化为烈焰。
From this forum, It'seems like Chinese, Americans and Russians do not like each other.
The Russians continue to treat the supply of energy as another weapon in their armoury.
Blame was attached upon Prime Minister Laughton's Cabinet for yielding to the Russians.
The Russians made the October Revolution and created the world's first socialist state.
俄国人举行了十月革命, 创立了世界上第一个社会主义国家。
The Intermarriage of Russians with Other Ethnic Groups in the Period of the Soviet Union
As a result, the Russians began to place more emphasis on their sniper training programme.
最终, 俄国人开始着手强调他们的狙击手培训计划。
The Russians, despite crying foul in public over the arrests, were ready to privately listen.
俄罗斯公开哭诉犯规逮捕, 准备私人聆听。
The majority of Russians consider themselves as Christians and belong to Russian Orthodox Church.
Though Miguel is black himself he doesn't like Caucasian guests of the capital like true Russians.
The Russians are also neurotically keen to curtail the activities of nongovernmental organisations.
After their defeat of the Georgians, the Russians will throw their weight around the neighbourhood.
在格鲁吉亚失败后, 俄罗斯将向其邻邦显示权威。
The Russians even planted their national flag at the bottom of the polar seafloor beneath the North Pole.
Germans closely cooperated with Russians in the development of armored vehicles at Kama, near Kazan in USSR.
The Russians bombarded Grozny constantly for weeks, killing mainly the civilians who were still trapped inside.
News that Goldman, Facebook and some Russians have teamed up is surely grist for conspiracy theorists everywhere.
Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.
The general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis.

单词 Russians 释义

  • 单词释义:俄国人,俄罗斯人,俄语( Russian的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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