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单词 round steel 例句大全,用单词round steel造句:

Welding of Ring Board And End of Round Belt of Stainless Steel Round Belt Container
Effect Analysis of Surface Defect of Carbon Structure Round Steel on Cold Heading Property
Tolerance on Shape and Dimensions for Round Steel Bar, Square Steel Bar, Hexagonal Steel Bar
圆钢枝, 方钢枝及六角钢枝之形状及尺寸之公差
Effect of extended nozzle and argon sealing during round bloom casting on wheel steel quality
Experimental research on the thermal state of the round steel billet heated in annular furnace
Calculation of Demagnetization Factor of the Round Steel Rod Based on Magnetic Charge Hypothesis
Standard Specification for General Requirements for Wire Rods and Coarse Round Wire, Carbon Steel
Influence of Rolled Defects on Performance of Hot Upset Forging of Round Steel and Its Identification
The author studies the calculation of steel in reinforcement conc rete bending member with round section.
The goal of control molten steel casting temperature is to give play to the functions of the hot ladle turn round operation.
Cause Analysis and Improving Measurement of Low Temperature Storage Flow during Common Carbon Steel for Billet and Round Billet Continuous Casting
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