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单词 thread state 例句大全,用单词thread state造句:

Gets the current state of this thread.
This method changes the state of the calling thread to include
When a thread is created and started what is its initial state
当一个线程被创建和开始执行, 其初始状态是? ?
Thread state is only of interest in a few debugging scenarios.
A state that indicates the thread is currently using a processor.
A thread is in the ready state after it has been created and started.
线程在被创建和开始后, 它处于准备状态。
Mode argument specifies whether thread is created in a suspended state or not.
In the detached state, the thread resources are immediately freed when it terminates.
Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
对于请求的操作, 线程不在一个适当的状态时抛出。
The coke canister that I had drunk discharges thread, can the orchard discharges Cong Ping to tell a state.
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