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单词 thinning out 例句大全,用单词thinning out造句:

The crowd is thinning out.
The paint was thinning out on the old barn.
The town has been thinning out due to the bad economy.
由于经济不景气, 这座城镇也逐渐人烟稀少了。
If the boars thinning out, why should he feed everyone else at his expense
Its cross section at the top of the convex, thinning to the pinch out wings.
其横剖面顶部上凸, 两翼减薄到尖灭。
Mother is in the garden thinning out the onion plants; she should have a good crop this year.
Thinning out the shank shell on the top of coke drum and cause analysis on weld seam failure of connection tube at oil and gas outlet.
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