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单词 spiral staircase 例句大全,用单词spiral staircase造句:

In between the layers and layers, spiral staircase connected.
在层与层之间, 有螺旋形的楼梯相通。
This deck is served by lifts as well as by a spiral staircase.
She struggled up the spiral staircase and made for the bathroom.
Inside the spiral staircase and down the stairs were all exposed.
So the giant shoved it open with his shoulder. There was a spiral staircase.
I turned around and saw two aged men standing by the lobby's spiral staircase.
我回头一看, 在螺旋形楼梯口站着两个中年人。
The main spiral staircase depicts a rhythmic ribbon that ascends to attic space.
Image above The focal point of the cottage is the castiron spiral staircase, which we commissioned.
The tower is divided into upper, middle and lower three floors, spiral staircase between floors connected.
It has a double helix structure, like a spiral staircase, which was discovered by Francis Crick and James Watson in the Cavendish lab at Cambridge in 1953.
The order in which the different nucleic acids occur along the spiral staircase carries the genetic information that enables the DNA molecule to assemble an organism around it and reproduce itself.
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