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单词 Yanç 例句大全,用单词Yanç造句:

Yang Yuanyuan, October 29 th in the Xinhua News Agency reporters Cai and Yan Yang said.
A comparison between admonitions of the Yan Family and the lecture on children's education
Murong Jing was headache, which Li Yan Ran is his family arranged for him married objects.
慕容靖很头痛, 这李嫣然就是他家族为他布置地成亲对象。
Liu Yan expresses banteringly, the Lv of price unified exam that advertisement sells rises.
Yan then perish behind a small country, the Sri Lankan armed forces throughout effect also.
是故燕虽小国而后亡, 斯用兵之效也。
Yan Wenliang the pure arts and the practical arts pay equal attention to education ideology.
Under those circumstances it was not easy to annihilate all of Yan xishan's attacking troops.
Sagan soon promoted to the left, turn Zhouci Shi Yan, the Academy moved straight soil science.
不久升为左司谏, 转延州刺史, 迁翰林直学土。
Profession good grass scribe, work poems, each with a set of celebrities Yan, singing adaptive.
After the candidates for the speaker's College Yang Yan, art and ideas after the first behavior.
Poisonous sewage of the nautical mile, in the sky fill the air of the poisonous Yan of foul air.
海里的有毒污水, 天上弥漫的乌烟瘴气的毒焰。
The procedure design for modern computers on the Ding Shu algorithm in Da Yan Shu given by China
They influence each other, help each other foundation, with people achievement Yan Xishan career.
Pan Yan, Libu assistant minister, sitting Liu Yan husband, derogatory Li Zhou Sima. Write a poem.
Analysis on the Design Language of Product at the View of the Argument between Yi and Yan of WANG BI
The engine sound of rumble, accompanying a Gong Yan the car gallops go up in transit of a thousand li.
To our country accountant community Er Yan, enterprise accounting control always a troublesome problem.
对于我国会计界而言, 企业会计监督历来是个棘手的问题。
Design on Assembly Formed Milling Cutter of Plastic Window and Door Corner Cleaning Machine CAO YAN QING
The Concept of The Family Education in Ethics in Admonitions of Master Yan and Its Contemporary Significance
She attended the Accident and Emergency Department of Yan Chai Hospital and did not require hospitalisation.
她到仁济医院急症室求医, 不用留院。
Spend not intentional exhibition Yan devil inconsistency ashore smiling, lightly lax loose of loose open finger.
花无心展颜妖异一笑, 轻轻松松的松开手指。
Planning and Design for the Chinese Unification Altar Commemorating the Yellow Emperor, the Yan Emperor and Chi You.
Yan Yiming says, announce public general affairs publicly transparently, be political civilization is indispensible.
严义明说, 公开透明地披露公共事务, 是政治文明的必需。
Next to the abdomenkou yan decorated Wo black color pattern, decoration and the original Garden of agricultural activities.
On the development of polysyllabic words from the viewpoint of the structure and semantic formation of polysyllabic words in yan's family admonitions.

单词 Yanç 释义



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