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单词 Yang 例句大全,用单词Yang造句:

The location of blood amassment in Tai Yang Disease may appear in either the bladder or the lower abdomen.
Chair Prof. Yang Qixun, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, North China University of Electric Power
Management of common nursing risks in geriatric ward Cai Yang, Bing Wu, Yanfei Yang Abstract OBJECTIVE To.
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Yin and Yang Embrace Together, Yin and Yang Brings into Harmony in the Ancient Chinese Architectural Space
Activating Yang and promoting blood flow is one of the therapeutic methods treating coronary heart disease.
Yin and Yang Embrace Together, Yin and Yang Brings into Harmony in the Ancient Chinese Architectural Space.
Clinical exploration of warming yang to dredge collaterals in treatment of chronic bronchitis by acupuncture
Study on Construction of Comprehensive Law Enforcement System of Water Administration of Shi Yang River Basin
Literary Aesthetic Characteristics Comparison between Emperor Wen and Yang, Southern and Northern or Sui Dynasty
As ancient men said, Anything has its opposite. Yin cannot exist without Yang, and Yang cannot grow without Yin.
Comparison Study on Toxic Reaction of White Prepared Lateral Root of Aconite to Normal and Kidney Yang Deficiency Rats
Operated diabetes insipidus treated by supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation and warming Yang to reinforce
Aesthetically the hole is characterised by distinctive circular areas of fairway which represent the Yin and Yang symbol.
Effect of Decoction for Warming the Kidney and Restoring Yang on Hepatic Ultrastructure of Rabbit Model with Yang Deficiency
Study on correlation between decocting time, administration dose and efficacy of warming Yang of crude lateral root of aconite
This paper try to discuss distention and stuffiness symptoms pathogenesis by the abnormal movements of Yin and Yang of six aspects.
Clinic study of ointment with clearing away heat and activating blood, elevating yang and asteinging in the treatment of haemorrhoids
Mechanism of method of nourishing yin to suppress yang in treatment of primary hypertension with yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity
Author analyze mechanism and method of invigorating vital energy, warming yang, meridian activating method for curing thoracic obstruction.
Yang stands the prawn 51 to access the net the card source code, accesses the net the function with 51 monolithic integrated circuits realizations
For God has not called us for uncleanness but in sanctification. Allah memanggil kita bukan untuk melakukan apa yang cemar, melainkan apa yang kudus.
And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine Lembu yang kurus dan buruk itu memakan ketujuh ekor lembu gemuk yang mulamula.
这些又干瘦又丑陋的母牛, 吃尽了那以先的七只肥母牛
Of the children of Simeon, mighty men of valour for the war, seven thousand and one hundred. Dari bani Simeon pahlawanpahlawan yang gagah perkasa untuk berperang ada tujuh ribu seratus orang.
For what if some disbelieved Shall their unbelief annul the faithfulness of God Jadi bagaimana, jika di antara mereka ada yang tidak setia, dapatkah ketidaksetiaan itu membatalkan kesetiaan Allah
即便有不信的, 这有何妨?难道他们的不信, 就废掉神的信么?

单词 Yang 释义



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