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单词 Xi Shi 例句大全,用单词Xi Shi造句:

She would put Xi Shi to shame and make Wang Qiang blush.
It was said to be unpolluted water in which Xi Shi had taken baths.
This pool, clear to the bottom, is said to be the Xi Shi River Port.
Fried Xi Shi's tongue is made from the locally produced Fujian mussel.
Many moving stories about Xi Shi and Fan Li go round the bank of Taihu Lake.
In Xi lift, SunShu aogula, all the shi since its ceaseless in adversity of bitterness.
Can wipe gently with wet cloth, if touch oily be soiled, can use graze of Shi Xi suds.
In fifth moon Xi Shi gathers them with smiles, Watchers o'erwhelm the Bank of Yuoye Stream.
Dragon Boat Festival is popular in qiandongnan shi dong xiang xi and the miao and festivals.
Xi shi was a famous beauty of Yue kingdom during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history.
Xi shi was a famous beauty of Yue kingdom during the Spring and autumn period of Chinese history.
However, visitors to Lingyan can still trace the footsteps of the king of Wu and Xi Shi everywhere on the hill.
但是灵岩山上吴王和西施的踪迹, 却随处可寻。
Since then, South Korea for Wang loaded by smoke pouring money down the drain, as early as late Wen Fu Xi Shi, and even have it taken down urinal.
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