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单词 touch in 例句大全,用单词touch in造句:

Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area.
A look in your eyes, a touch in my mind, happiness always arise.
Don't worry, sir. I'll get in touch with the Bell Captain at once.
Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your office.
Lily was affected with flu, when she was in touch with the patient.
Keep in touch with the beat of Ermita at the Manila Pavilion Hotel.
住亭榭大饭店, 感受俄米塔的生活节奏。
I assume you want me to get in touch with the State Archaeology unit.
Draw me in your arms, touch to, my canthus which becomes boiling hot?
拉我在你的怀抱, 触没有触摸到, 我发烫的眼角?
If anyone knows where the bike is, please get in touch with the police.
如果有任何人知道这辆车的下落, 请和警方联系。
His ability to touch people can be summed up in a single word sincerity.
The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his Basket.
to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship
If you want to touch my hairs, I might be bashful in the public occasions
To bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship.
If haven't weigh in hand, where can touch that blessedness of trivialness.
In Touch apparently has become the Official Chronicler of American Bedding.
Looking to add a touch of fun in your home decor without breaking the bank.
Touch on replacement of shrink fit in tolerance system by inorganic bonding
and A Touch of Zen, with two knights doing battle in a grove of bamboo trees.
在侠女中, 两位武士在一个竹林里大打出手。
He and his father, according to local gossip, haven't been in touch for years.
Bernard said that he had stolen it as a means of getting in touch with Edouard.
伯纳德说明他之所以窃包, 完全是为了以此来接近爱德华。
Over the water has boiled asparagus a touch of salty, then code in the session.
焯过水的芦笋已有淡淡的咸味, 然后码在盘中。
Since I was here the first time, I've been in touch with our Billing Department.
Bake in preheated oven for 8 minutes or until firm to touch and golden in color.
Bruce is now traveling in France, making it impossible to get in touch with him.
现在布鲁斯在法国旅行, 因此不可能同他取得联系了。
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