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单词 trading up 例句大全,用单词trading up造句:

Principles are not trading up does not buy.
Board trading system set up its mind what it is?
Undecided traders are the force that speeds up trading.
A new trading agreement was drawn up between Holland and Denmark.
A fixed operational site and up? to? standard trading facilities.
With Mr. Ade taking the lead, they decided to set up a trading company.
以艾德先生为首, 他们决定成立一个贸易公司。
Up period beginning today rebar and wire rod futures simulated trading.
The securities law sets up a new securities exchange and trading centre.
The proceeds have shored up the balance sheet but the trading picture is grim.
Hisense Electric closed trading opened, which brought up the home appliances section.
We need to face up to the obvious defects of the existing multilateral trading system.
Parker had helped him navigate the waters of setting up his trading firm many years ago.
在多年前, 帕克帮助他建立交易公司。
In trading with China, the United States should also give up all forms of discriminatory policies.
在对华贸易中, 美国应该放弃任何形式的歧视性政策。
The HK Company is set up as an intermediary to facilitate trading between Taiwan and the Mainland.
香港公司成立的目的, 是充当台湾与国内交易的中介人。
You need to recalculate your curve whenever you add or subtract trading capital without mixing up past percentages.
a great tax advantage. As long as you keep trading up in value, you will not be taxed on the gains, until you liquidate.
The van is driving through Coffeyville, a small town on the Kansas prairie named after James A. Coffey, who set up a grand trading post there in 1860 on the old frontier.
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单词 trading up 释义

  • 单词释义:经营高档商品提高利润率,升格销售  [更多..]



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