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单词 slows 例句大全,用单词slows造句:

If generation slows too much, system controllers have to shed load, causing a blackout.
在任何时刻, 消耗的电力都要和产出的电力相当。
Lowering of the control rods into the reactor core slows down the rate of the reaction.
In general, joy is beneficial. Being at and filled with happiness calms and slows the Qi.
Alcohol slows down the endocrine system, resulting in a lower production of needed hormones.
酒精降低荷尔蒙系统, 导致产生所需荷尔蒙的数量减少。
The key application will be inventory control, a key requirement as consumer spending slows.
Mature Christmas Island red crabs probably moult only onceayear, as their growth rate slows.
成年圣诞岛红蟹或许一年只蜕一次壳, 因为它们生长缓慢。
As the fluid stream slows and reverses, the disc responds by swinging to the closed position.
当流体流速减慢并且逆向流动时, 阀瓣反应旋启到关闭位置。
Although this causes no functional problems on the system, it slows down the cleanup procedure.
A flat tire slows the transport of a bok choy tower through the streets of Kunming in Yunnan Province.
云南昆明的街头, 轮胎漏气让这座白菜塔的运输停缓了下来。
The rain slows to a stop, dripping still from the broad leaves of blue hostas unseen in the garden's dark.
慢慢的雨停了,在黑暗的花园 从那宽阔的玉簪滴着。
This is wherein the body slows down the metabolic rate in order to conserve the resources that it has stored.
这是在体内的代谢速率减慢, 为了节约它已储存的资源。
This slows the mildews spread, allowing the plants to grow new leaves faster than the disease can infect them.
这延缓了霉病的扩散, 使植物能够抢在疾病感染前长出新叶。
Combining the helium and hyperoxia slows down the frequency of breathing while making the air easier to breathe.
Fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file.
It won't run Java, though the designers maintain that this is a feature, not a bug they argue that Java slows down page loading and seldom offers more than window dressing.

单词 slows 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)缓行, (使)减速( slow的第三人称单数 )  [更多..]



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