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单词 Sled' 例句大全,用单词Sled'造句:

He is not intended as a racing sled dog designed to compete in speed trials.
他并不打算作为一个赛车雪橇狗设计的竞争, 在加快审判。
Today, my sister bought a dog, dog sled dog in Alaska, and its name is Peter.
喜爱滑冰, 也要喜爱带雪橇装。
Idea 1 Mark and Kathleen see that the sled is heading directly toward a tree.
Therefore, the sled close to turn over, a lot of gifts are also falling down.
因此, 雪橇几近于翻过来, 很多的礼物也掉落下来了。
Buck staggered over against the sled, exhausted, sobbing for breath, helpless.
巴克摇晃着走过去, 无助地靠在雪橇上喘息, 他已精疲力竭了。
Whiplash new test. Static evaluation followed by 3 sled tests 2 points available.
Assuming that the maximum updown angle that youll pushpull the sled is 20 degrees.
Instead of carrying the children on their backs, the dogs are pulling them on a sled.
这些狗并非让孩童骑在背上, 而是用雪橇来拉他们。
Your sled starts moving sooner and moves faster on a steep hill than on a gentle slope.
A flight shooting game. You have to control the flight Santa Claus driving sled to combat.
Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled.
他们开始动手拆帐篷, 装雪橇, 巴克在一旁担心地看着他们。
A hundred yards farther on, Buck came upon one of the sled dogs Thornton had bought in Dawson.
向前一百码的地方, 巴克发现桑德在道盛买的一只雪橇狗。
While Perrault packed the camp outfit and loaded the sled, the dogdriver proceeded to harness the dogs.
波瑞特拾掇好营地用具装上雪橇, 福楼沙开始给狗套挽具。
Kristof and his crew used a submersible search vehicle and a towed sled with still camera to record the wreckage.
The escape performance evaluation of an ejection seat in China depends mainly on sled tests which may take a long time.

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