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单词 soak off 例句大全,用单词soak off造句:

He turned off the water and left the dishes to soak.
It is a good way soak off the stamp from an envelope.
A good way to get a stamp off an envelope is to soak it off.
Soak the dried tangerine peel until soft, scrape off the pith.
A good way to remove a stamp from an envelope is to soak it off.
A long soak in the bath would probably finish off your relationship.
The best way to get the trade mark off the bottle is to soak it off.
Eaves to split off all the tiles, the eaves rafters long rain soak Dousu.
檐上的瓦全部断为两截, 檐椽长期经雨水浸泡都酥了。
Soak your hair brushes with warm water and soda to get the oil off of them.
Soak Off Clear Gel Provides a thin shiny surface that looks and feels completely natural.
Rinse all ingredients. Soak dried tangerine peel in water until soft. Scrape off the pith.
Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in lukewarm water to soften them. Cut off the stems and cut the mushrooms into strips.
将干香菇浸泡在温水中, 变软后, 去掉根部, 切成薄片。
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