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单词 slack on 例句大全,用单词slack on造句:

Your grip on the bar is too slack.
Slack away gently on the chain when it is strained.
Deadline dates can affect the total slack on tasks.
He's a little on edge right now. Cut him some slack.
Europe certainly cannot be counted on to pick up the slack.
Study on Consume Mode of Chengdu Citizen Leisure Slack Suit
The tensile wheel should be mounted on the belts slack edge.
On returning pump to discharge elbow, lower hoist cable until it is slack.
放松起重机吊索, 使泵回到排泄弯管。
Influence of slack caustic treatment on direct dyeing behaviours of natural bamboo fibers
Study on Influence of Soil Moisture of Summer Slack Farming Slopped Lands Due to Crusted Loess Surface.
Your jaw does not hang slack because you weren't specifically concentrating on keeping your mouth closed.
你的嘴巴不会停, 因为你并没有集中思想在闭上嘴巴。
Discussion on feasibility of automatic slack coal blending system in coal preparation plant of Gushuyuan Mine
Hold the ventricular catheter in place securely and pull any slack on the catheter away from the incision side.
牢牢握住脑室导管, 将多余的导管拉离从切口端。
The stevedores tossedthrew the bags from high place into the hold. That brought on a lot of bags with seams slack.
The Honolulu native taught himself the acoustic slack-key guitar (resting on the lap, it is played with one hand manipulating the strings and the other moving a steel bar).
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