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单词 sign out 例句大全,用单词sign out造句:

So only in Broadmoor would not wanting to hang out with serial killers be a sign of madness.
所以只有在这里,不想和连环杀手交往 才是发疯的征兆
But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force, this may be a sign of arterial bleeding.
如果血液从伤口喷涌而出, 这可能就是动脉出血的迹象。
Professors sometimes reserve a few copies of their courses book, which you may be able to sign out shortterm.
有时教授可能会预留几本课本, 不过你可以借短期。
Even states that did not sign the landmine treaty, points out Ms Docherty, have mostly ended up complying with it.
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I hope they don’t try to sign him, he’s injury prone! He had shoulder surgery 2 years ago and last year he was out for the season with an elbow injury.
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