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单词 silent way 例句大全,用单词silent way造句:

My standing silent was a way of asking him to reconsider.
我默默地站在那里, 意思是请求他重新考虑一下。
The funeral made its way slowly through the silent streets.
Silent transformation in the way, the pupa into a butterfly.
在无声之中蜕变, 蛹变成蝴蝶。
A good way to become more attentive is to practice staying silent.
To keep you from giving alms food, and in this way to cause the Silent Buddha to die!
That this way men went silent and smoothly through the world, and comfortable out of it.
就这样, 这些人安详地走完一生。
Remaining silent in a conflict is a way to avoid threatening the conflict partner's face.
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单词 silent way 释义

  • 单词释义:默示教学法(教师少讲,借助于动作、图画和木棒教授外语)  [更多..]



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