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单词 school teaching 例句大全,用单词school teaching造句:

The Personality Characteristics and The Language Teaching Strategies Of The Athletes at the Sports School
Research of using the axiomatization viewpoint to guide the teaching of plane geometry in the middle school
Thoughts and practice about biology teaching improvement of secondary teachers school, face to 21TH century
The Separating and Combing about the General Teaching and Professional Teaching In our Senior Middle School
How to deal with advantage and disadvantage of aparting exam from teaching in vocational and secondary school
Conferring about teaching and improving of PREVENT AND TREAT PORCINE DISEASE in secondary agricultural school
On the Characteristics and Teaching Methods of the New Teaching Material of Chemistry for High School Seniors
After fifteen years of teaching, he was seconded to the Ministry of Education to advise them on school planning.
Effects of Athletic Recreational Teaching Method on Mood State and Sports Ability of Junior Middle School Students
The Research of Affectivity and Practice for Optimizing Teaching Through Emotion in Physics Teaching of High School
Director, Public Administration Teaching and Research Office, Department of politics and Law, the Central Party School
Attempts about Abstract Conception and Describing Teaching in Inorganic Chemistry Secondary Specialized Training School
Mr.Rollins endowed the Dripping Water Elementary School with the teaching aids which his mother had once used as a teacher
A Research on the Distinctiveness of Running A School of Higher Education Newly Approved of Teaching Undergraduate Courses
The Study of the Present Situation of Chinese Teaching in Junior Middle School under the Background of New Curriculum Reform
Research, Teaching and Learning in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Sydney
Reflection on Teaching Reform in the English Speciality of Teachers Universities from the Need of High School English Teaching
The Study of Classroom Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Inquiring Teaching in Middle School Based on the Geometer's Sketchpad
Improving the school teaching skills of the young teachers is the footstone to realize the stride type of development of the schools
Fostering the Teaching Ability of the Students of the Normal Colleges in the Course of the Middle School Teaching Method of Chemistry
Approach into the train object of university physical education program and the adaptability of middle school physical eduation teaching
To Adjust the Knowledge Structure of College Students Majoring in Primary School Teaching according to the Standard of New Lesson Reform
Analysing the Reasons for the Differences in the Teaching Syllabus of Mathematics and Native Language in Primary School between Germany and China
The development and changes of the junior high school music curriculum goals were introduced. Second, the status of the Longxing school music teaching was analyzed.
He was born in 1139 and died in 1193. Throughout his life, Lu, a famous thinker and educator, adopted teaching as his career and founded the school of heart learning as well as the foundation of Wang Yangming School.
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