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单词 school child 例句大全,用单词school child造句:

A child who has not been read to is in danger when that child gets to school.
不曾听过他人念书的孩子 入学后将处于风险中
He child one side soil, read 8 years of private school brokenly the same time.
Poverty and child labour were the main causes of girls dropping out of school.
Her child is studying at the elementary school attached to the academy of arts.
All you remember about your child being ten is managing the school fund raisers.
Fourthly, be a child of keeping disciplines and abide by the school rules at all time.
School day, the child can not do without parents, the parents bear children, also cry.
开学那天, 孩子离不开家长, 家长舍不得孩子, 还哭鼻子。
Even for the toughest child, the first day at school is bound to be an unnerving occasion.
upheld the right of school authorities to expel a child who was mocking its antidrug policy
Are you planning to engage your child in any meaningful activity during the school holidays?
Please help us by turning off the texting feature on your child's phone during school hours.
This will happen as the last of the children of the baby boom generation finish child school.
Therefore said delivered the child in the Lord's day school to study really is too dangerous.
As soon as one child has contracted the disease it spreads like wildfire throughout the school.
detain a child in school as a punishmentkeep sb inThe teacher kept the student in because he was naughty.
The obligation to attend school enters into force when the child has been in the country for three months.
However, the child with the most severe injuries did not attend the school and did not eat the implicated meal.
There was a time when every child would begin the school day by standing and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Submarine parents would lay out a variety of school lunch supplies and encourage their child to pack his own lunch.
If expenses of cheeper start going to a nursery rises again, the child also increases ceaselessly in the cost of school.
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