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单词 school run 例句大全,用单词school run造句:

Carry on the intercollegiate exchange is the important link to run the party school.
When Mr Mays had the organizing of the school plays they used to run like clockwork.
梅斯先生负责组织学校戏剧团的时候, 一切进展都十分顺利。
He had run away from home because he couldn't take the teasing he endured at school.
Arrange leisure activities properly to run the management of school with wholesome mind.
Politicians have asked me to run for elections, even though I never even went to school.
You run into some random classmate from high school, and he's gonna end up saving your life?
Nursery school should run a state to oneself, adjust the price appropriately inside highest price fixing.
幼儿园应根据自身经营状况, 在最高限价内适当调整价格。
Teacher of School of run by the local people and fair education does school teacher have same legal place?
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单词 school run 释义

  • 单词释义:上学交通高峰期  [更多..]



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