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单词 school age 例句大全,用单词school age造句:

Squatting next to a plastic tub, boysof school age pour mercury onto their bare hands.
这些学龄儿童蹲在塑料管旁边, 将水银倒在裸露的手臂上。
Intelligence level and structure in school age children with fetal growth restriction.
Xiao Qiang entered the town school at the age of 7 and became a scholar at the age of 14.
My daughter did so well in her studies that she graduated from high school at the age of 16.
我的女儿学习成绩十分优良, 所以16岁就高中毕业了。
After a short time in rhythmic gymnastics, she was accepted into circus school at the age of 6.
一段时间后, 她在艺术体操马戏团了学校6岁的时候。
Mike Shannon, a former actor who had left school at the age of sixteen, made it to Denniss door, too.
这份月刊只有16页, 流通量很小, 也没有广告。
In my high school age, I would blush when talking to girls for my very introverted and dissocial character.
中学时我的性格特别内向孤僻, 跟女孩子说话也要脸红。
Supplementary Effects of Ultrasonic Atomizing Inhalation in the Treatment of Lobar Pneumonia of School Age Children
Getting to school, for a kid that was actually pretty short for his age, through the Canadian winter, was not a pleasant experience.
When he entered into the official school at the age of ten, he was able to recite The Book of Family Names and The Three Words Classics.
Especially for the children, the school and parents should teach them to cultivate good habits of protecting their eyes from an earlier age.
在同一块农地上, 农民一年可收成23次。
Countermeasures and Suggestions Dealing with the Problem Which Womer Children of School Age in the Countryside Have Been Deprived of Education
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