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单词 saturated acid 例句大全,用单词saturated acid造句:

saturated fatty acid
A saturated fatty acid occurring naturally in animal and vegetable fats.
Then the organic liquid phase is a saturated solution of acid in the nitrated substance.
Observation on Efficacy of Saturated Trichloroacetic Acid on 77 Cases of Veruca Acuminata
As to aurum board, adopt softbrush and saturated in citrate acid or spraying for pretreatment.
This is Cueva de Villa Luz in Tabasco, in Mexico, and this cave is saturated with sulfuric acid.
这是位于墨西哥塔巴斯科州的光明洞 洞内充满了硫酸
Physicchemical property and antitumor activity of dlamineplatinum saturated fatty acid complexes
Its total adipose content is low, but what not saturated acid holds proportion very tall however.
其总脂肪含量低, 但不饱和脂肪酸所占比例却很高。
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