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单词 retained 例句大全,用单词retained造句:

Therefore, it was suggested that the phrase in square brackets in paragraph should be retained.
Nevertheless, on scrutinizing her attentively, it was evident that she still retained her beauty.
但是仔细看去, 她的美不减当年。
It was agreed that they should be retained in square brackets for consideration by the Commission.
工作组同意, 应将这些定义保留在方括号内, 供委员会审议。
Application scope, Application condition, and using method of gypsum admixtures have been retained.
The card may be retained by the ATM if the PIN is incorrectly keyed in for SIX TIMES consecutively.
如连续六次按入错误密码, 卡会被自动柜员机没收。
Companies financing from internally retained funds will benefit themselves, rather than shareholders.
Mr. Dumont has frequently been retained as a highlevel advisor by governments and multilateral bodies.
Tracheal intubations were given after anesthesia induction and spontaneous respirations were retained.
The Company shall provide for appropriate funding for such counsel or experts retained by the Committee.
Conclusion Retained premature applications do intravenous infusion, needle vein axils appropriate chooses.
Anchor reinforced support and parameter optimization for side wall of mine roadway retained for next sublevel
Synopsis This paper discusses the methods to measure the amount of retained austenite in high chromium cast iron.
Records of packing and dispatch are retained by the Contracts manager in accordance with the project requirements.
The Working Group agreed that the option for the claimant to communicate its statement of claim should be retained.
Retained austenite reduction and carbide precipitations in the martensite are anticipated by the tempering process.
Technology of roadway retained for next sublevel applied to ending work of fully mechanized longwall coal mining face
The quantitative study for the retentive character of complete overdenture retained with implants barclip attachment.
This allows administrators to more methodically determine which object should be retained and which should be deleted.
A financial statement for a corporation showing the changes during the accounting period in the amount of retained earnings.
Investigation of the Influence of Austempering Processing on Retained Austenite Amount of Austempered High Silicon Cast Steel
Analysis of the Movement of Long Axis and the Distribution of Principal Stress in Abutment Tooth Retained by Conical Telescope
When no further delay was possible, they concealed their actual holdings, or retained the good land and gave up the poor land.
到无可延宕时, 即隐瞒土地实数, 或自据肥田, 把瘠田让人。
The enterprise shall have the right to budget and use its retained funds in accordance with the provisions of the State Council.
The Analysis on the Proportion between the Patients with Postoperatively Retained Extrahepatic and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Stones
Combined support system with bolt, steel mesh and anchor applied in mining roadway of fully mechanized caving mining face retained for next sublevel in deep mine

单词 retained 释义

  • 单词释义:保持( retain的过去式和过去分词 );拦住;保存;止住  [更多..]



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