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单词 rest home 例句大全,用单词rest home造句:

There is no home, no bed of rest.
The rest belong to the home page.
Rest assured, we will get you home.
I left the rest of my cash at home.
I prefer to stay at home and have a rest.
Enjoy massage and foods, or get rest at home.
喜欢去享受按摩和美食, 或者在家里休息。
Go home and rest for at least three or four days.
He at home and the rest the boys were out at play.
If falling ill, I'll stay home taking a good rest.
Would you like to take the rest home in a doggy Bag?
Would you like to take the rest home in a doggy bag.
Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home.
I am intolerable suffer, final sick rest is in the home.
我无法忍受煎熬, 最终病休在家。
Don't drink coffee, tea, or soda. Stay home and have a rest.
不要喝咖啡, 茶或汽水。呆在家里休息。
Probably you just took a rest at home, studying on the deck chair.
Employee can submit home flight or rest and recreation application.
You can cast your vote at your hospital, maternity home or rest home.
您可以在您的医院, 留产院或养老院投你的票。
Staffs should be rest at home if they're sick but not go to work forcedly.
员工生病了就应该在家休息, 不必硬撑着去上班。
The chairman want home, but the rest of the director stayed in the boardroom.
She was herself returning home to seek rest and oblivion among her kins fold.
她正在回国途中, 打算在自己的亲属中找到安宁, 忘却过去。
Fred Well, its not like my parents want me to live at home the rest of my life.
嗯, 不是我父母亲想要我以后都住在家里。
After we back to Pontianak, we go to my aunt's home take a rest, then go out to have a dinner.
返回坤甸后, 我们去了阿姨家休息下, 然后再出去食晚餐。
Now, with her containers still empty and the sun blazing overhead, she has returned home for a moments rest.
此刻, 已是烈日当空, 查雅空载而归, 稍作休息。
He was already picturing himself confined to a wheelchair or spending the rest of his days in a nursing home.
Noticing it he emphasizes that drinking too much of these beverages, Zhao big brother sent me home to rest several police cars.
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单词 rest home 释义

  • 单词释义:老人院,疗养院  [更多..]



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