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单词 residence time 例句大全,用单词residence time造句:

We studied the residence time distribution for such absorber.
Study on the Residence Time Distribution of Powder in Magnesite Flash Calciner
Without definite residence incidental, it's time for what course should follow?
The Research of Residence Time Distribution of Catalyst in Cumin Synthesis System
The definition of place of usual residence has been revised to include a time dimension.
常居地的定义已作修改, 现在包含了时间因素。
Mixing capability of screw was good when mean residence time was long and Pe number was small.
Characteristic of residence time distribution of liquid film in wiped film molecular distillation
The adsorption of mercury was higher when fly ash was with longer residence time in the multiphase flow reactor.
飞灰在多相流反应器内的停留时间越长, 对汞的吸附越有利。
Experimental study of particle residence time distribution in cokeburning riser of combustor used for petroleum coke.
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单词 residence time 释义

  • 单词释义:残留时间;停留时间;居留时间  [更多..]



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