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单词 responsibility system 例句大全,用单词responsibility system造句:

The functions of contract responsibility system of forest resources management in natural forest conservation.
A Comparison between the System of Democratic Centralism and The System of Leading Cadres Taking Full Responsibility
The core of comprador system consisted of guarantee system, responsibility and reward system, aegis system and so on.
Experience in practicing the management of medical quality with attending physician responsibility system as the core
Responsibility and benefits and definitely mutually check and balance relation of one the whole set of system arrange.
In this regard, the General Assembly requested a comprehensive report on the system of accountability and responsibility.
在这方面, 大会要求关于问责制和责任制的全面报告。
The Theoretical Foundation and System Framework of Affix Responsibility of Officials under the Visual Angle of Public Duty
Second, an infringement compensation and responsibility system for regulating malicious prosecution should be established.
To strengthen the administrative accountability system, the problem must be held strictly the responsibility of leadership.
要强化行政问责制, 出了问题必须严格追究领导责任。
But some managers misunderstand that the manager goal responsibility system in his service term is just the goal management.
The system of job responsibility of the general manager under the board of directors is adopted by the joint venture company.
Tax revenue law enforcement responsibility system Hillock responsibility system Perfect countermeasure Energy level management.
The household contract responsibility system and conversion of the farmland to forestry are two different land contract arrangements.
In agriculture, I favour the system of contracted responsibility for larger tracts of land. This system should be adopted more widely.
农业搞承包大户我赞成, 现在放得还不够。
The Analysis of the Experimental Conditions of the Factory Director Responsibility System and the Suggestion for Its Further Perfection
Significance of the assets management responsibility system to transformation of the operating mechanism of geological prospecting units
Practice and consideration of establishing the responsibility system for doctor in charge of a case in small and middle military hospital
We must uphold and improve the leadership system and working mechanism against corruption and earnestly implement the responsibility system.
Clinical observation on nursing based on responsibility system for giggle gas absorption during delivery procedure and overall process deliver
The appointment, removal and security responsibility system for the person responsible for security management and for the information examinant.
Observation on the efficacy of labor analgesia of inhalation of giggle gas based on responsibility system for overall delivery process in 150 cases
To Be independent in management and responsible for one's own profits and losses is the essence of managerial responsiBility system of contracting.
自主经营, 自负盈亏, 是承包经营责任制的实质。
On the implementation of forest resource maintenance responsibility contracting system and the adjustment of management measures of the forest industry enterprises
Every year, the NNCC instructs governments at all levels to promote the activities to eradicate drug cultivation and to carry out a responsibility system along that line.
Giving Full Play to the System that Railway Administration Directly Takes the Responsibility for Stations and Divisions, Deepening the System of Tapping the Potentiality for Internal Railway Transportation
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