My guess, you don't want him to remember how crazy he was about his old girlfriend.
Remember what you said, Li Hua ? Different people get jazzed about different things.
Remember the last time you sifted through old photographs, daydreams about bygone days
还记得上次你细心翻阅旧相片, 追忆昔日年华吗?
I can't remember the exact words but I couldn't be mistaken about the general outline.
原文字句记不得了, 可是意思决不会开错。
Grist What do you remember about the nuclear testing in the desert in the 1950s and 58s.
And when we say bigger, remember this is not a classical description we're talking about.
What you remember about an event may differ quite a bit from what someone else remembers.
All I ever remember your saying about her was that she had the tightest clutch on a pound.
Remember, Mike, don't worry about prints. The butt and trigger are fixed with special tape.
Dont exaggerate about what you have to offer and remember twotiming is out of the question.
I remember standing in the kitchen, talking about Christina Rossettis poem The Convent Threshold.
Mom. If you really need something to freak out about, just remember that you're spending the night with Mike.
Remember that you may be able to understand what the paragraph in question is talking about given the context.
and remember that they were in an exhibition about death, and that maybe that's not how you're supposed to act.
The paper finds that commonly held perceptions about how our minds work and how well we remember are often wrong.
Well, hopefully you kind of vaguely remember that it was about functions of several variables and their partial derivatives.
We can remember the past, and we can think about the future, and we can imagine what it's like to be some other person in some other place.
我们记得过去 思考未来 我们想象 自己成为他人,在他方
I spent a few days on this island. I was here five years ago and I remember this island being quiet and not as developed, but it really amazes me how fast it has changed. It’s not a quiet island anymore. Apparently, everyone else found out about the little gem.
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