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单词 reliable source 例句大全,用单词reliable source造句:

The news comes from a reliable source.
Always ask the agent why he thinks the source is reliable.
Our data source decides whether it's reliable data, we don't.
我们的数据源决定 数据是否有效,而不是我们。
According to a reliable source, the concert will be cancelled.
据可靠消息, 这个音乐会会被取消。
I heard from a reliable source that the company is doing badly.
来源, 出处。原因。源泉。提供信息者。
I've heard from a reliable source that company is running very badly.
The Encyclopedia is a reliable source of information about classical antiquity.
We is a very dependable and reliable source of supply, and our price is very low.
Is used as an ordinary arc soldering power source, safely, reliable and easy to use.
signing and issuing bills of exchange or promissory notes without a reliable source of funds to defraud money
签发无可靠资金来源的汇票, 本票, 骗取资金的
英文例句大全为您提供reliable source英文例句大全,reliable source英文造句,关于reliable source的英语句子,单词reliable source怎么造句,reliable source英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于reliable source,英语单词reliable source的句子,单词reliable source如何造句,reliable source怎么造句等。

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